Enrollment is complete with the following steps:
Still have questions? Email us at: [email protected] or fill out the contact for on our Contact Page with your question and we will get back to you ASAP!
Enrollment is complete with the following steps:
- Enroll students using the form below.
- Submit Enrollment Fees by cash or check only.
- Attend an Orientation (see calendar for dates)
- Select Safety Station Spots on Sign-Up Genius
- Print and Read "ECHO Basics" and return signature pages with Enrollment Fee (attached below)
- New families must meet with a member of the ECHO Team.
Still have questions? Email us at: [email protected] or fill out the contact for on our Contact Page with your question and we will get back to you ASAP!

echo_24-25__basics_.pdf |
Tuition and Enrollment Fees
ECHO Tuition is paid on the first Tuesday of every month August-April / NEW tuition costs starting for 2024-2025 (per student).
$35/month – 1 hour class
$45/month – 1-1/2 hour class
$70/month – 2 hour class
$10/month – 1 hour Study Hall - "CAT" (Common Area Time)
ECHO Enrollment Fees (per family)
$75/1st Semester, due August 13 or 15, 2024
$75/2nd Semester, due January 14, 2025
You are welcome to pay the full $150 all at once in August.
You can pay all family enrollment fees, safety station sub fees, lunch fees, and/or yearbook fee with a check written to ECHO, or exact cash (exact cash must be in a labeled envelope). Tuition is written directly to the instructor with a check, exact cash or if they have an electronic form of receiving payment, they will let you know. You can turn all of these payments in to the sign-in table, the welcome table, or hand tuition directly to the instructor.
$35/month – 1 hour class
$45/month – 1-1/2 hour class
$70/month – 2 hour class
$10/month – 1 hour Study Hall - "CAT" (Common Area Time)
ECHO Enrollment Fees (per family)
$75/1st Semester, due August 13 or 15, 2024
$75/2nd Semester, due January 14, 2025
You are welcome to pay the full $150 all at once in August.
You can pay all family enrollment fees, safety station sub fees, lunch fees, and/or yearbook fee with a check written to ECHO, or exact cash (exact cash must be in a labeled envelope). Tuition is written directly to the instructor with a check, exact cash or if they have an electronic form of receiving payment, they will let you know. You can turn all of these payments in to the sign-in table, the welcome table, or hand tuition directly to the instructor.
Mandatory Safety Stations
In order to attend ECHO, for the safety of every student at our ECHO facility, we REQUIRE that a parent from every family sign up to man a safety station 2x EACH semester (totaling 4 times per year). You will do this via Sign-Up Genius. If you are unable to fulfill your safety station requirements, then the alternative requirement is to pay for a substitute @ $25 per safety spot. The ECHO Team will find a substitute for you and pay them.
Mandatory Orientation
In order to attend ECHO, we REQUIRE ALL students and at least one parent from each family to attend our mandatory orientation. Please bring a printed copy of the 'ECHO Basics' handbook with you to orientation as our Team will be going through it with you. Also, bring the signature pages to orientation and turn them in to Robin Bandy. See calendar for orientation dates and times. Orientation is in AUGUST on August 13 @ Noon or August 15 @ 6:30pm.
Please fill out information below for Enrollment to be completed
You must CLICK SEND at the bottom of this page for Enrollment to be complete!
If your student will be in STUDY HALL - 'CAT', PLEASE type that in the enrollment schedule below, along with your class list! We need to know if your student will be with an adult or in CAT, if they have a free hour while on campus.
If your student will be in STUDY HALL - 'CAT', PLEASE type that in the enrollment schedule below, along with your class list! We need to know if your student will be with an adult or in CAT, if they have a free hour while on campus.