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English III & IV


Samantha Hanni


11th - 12th




$20 supply fee

10am - 11am
12:45pm - 1:45pm



The Blue Book of Grammar & Punctuation 11th edition by Jane Straus—you can also download it for free at this link, however I think it would be easier to purchase one. If you have more than one child taking my classes, they can share this book.

The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing 6th Edition

7 Men & 7 Women and the Secret of Their Greatness by Eric Metaxas

Tortured For Christ by Richard Wurmbrand

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens


3-Ring Binder with paper & dividers.

Access to computer/printer weekly

About the Course

This course aims to develop and expand the student’s ability to read critically by studying various works of literature. Special emphasis will be placed on literary analysis, annotation, reading and writing skills, and vocabulary development. Writing will be more advanced in this course to prepare for collegiate-type writing.

Course Objectives:

  1. Learn to appreciate literature by reading critically.

  2. Analyze, evaluate, and compare various works of literature -reading between the lines.

  3. Express analysis and practice writing skills through academic writing such as rhetorical analysis on both written and oral works, persuasive essay, APA research paper, college personal essay, several short essays based on the literature in class, and a cause/effect paper.

  4. Apply spelling, grammar, and editing skills in writing.

  5. Demonstrate comprehension of material through regularly scheduled quizzes and tests.

Books can be purchased “used” through,, or any other website.

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