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Beginner Piano


Alison Ranck


1st - 5th





1:45pm - 2:45pm
2:45pm - 3:45pm



Theory Time, Practice and Progress (agenda),

Piano Adventures Lesson Book and Technique and artistry


Piano or keyboard for home practice.

About the Course

These lessons are meant for BEGINNER piano players. We will be learning fingering, music notes, and beginner songs. Lessons will be 30 minutes of playing at the piano and 15 minutes of tech time (with music apps). We will also hopefully have an opportunity for a recital at some point during the school year. (2 students per hour permissible) for games, vocabulary drills, flashcards and more.

Instructor Background: Hi! My name is Alison Ranck, and I am 20 years old. I am a homeschooled graduate, and I am excited to be going into my second year of teaching piano lessons. I have been taking piano lessons for 4 years and I am at an intermediate level in my piano playing. My piano teacher is Mrs. Kathy Harris. She also helps me with tips and advice for teaching my students.

I have Mosaic Down Syndrome, which means that I am affected by a small percentage of Trisomy 21 in my genetic makeup. This can make communication hard at times, but I have my mom available during lesson times to help if I need her. I love playing the piano and enjoy making music, and I hope to inspire that in my students.

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